
Chapter 2


COUCH: With the meteoric rise of China, it is a direct threat to the U.S. security or at least the U.S. dominance on this earth. In the eye of the ultra-right, it is an imminent threat to the white dominance. From the standpoint of view of our national security, I completely agree that the issue must be addressed, now, not a few decades later or even a few years later. There seems to be two approaches to the issue: globalism as the word is understood by many – open door commerce, free flow of information, international cooperation against terrorist threat, live and let live. This concept of globalism seems to comport nicely with our Declaration of Independence and the Constitution. The second approach, believe it or not, is also clearly globalism but it has been well hidden: it seeks global cooperation among white people only. The China card fits into the scheme perfectly.

ME: Working with the Russians to fight the Chinese?

COUCH: You bet. This is not the KKK beating some guy they don’t like. Why do you think so many Republicans, the cream of the national cream, a significant percentage of the 1% have shown unequivocal support for the president?

ME: They like his policies.

COUCH: Wrong and wrong. This president does not have a policy. They have spoon-fed policies to him. Second, they don’t support the president because they see him as their leader. They only support someone faithfully doing their bidding. Remember the Republican senator from Kentucky who said that the president would sign anything put in front of him?

ME: Senator Mitch McConnell, the majority leader.

COUCH: Yes, that’s the one. That statement should go into the history book because it succinctly defines the Trump presidency.

ME: So, how does all that connect to the Russians?

COUCH: The American ultra-right aggressively pursue a strategy to subsume China. I disagree because it is wrong. China is a highly sophisticated country just like the U.S. And like the U.S. it has its extremist faction advocating hegemony. However, even though I believe in free competition and a system based on merit, I support a policy containing the Chinese. Pressure from the outside world is necessary to correct the Chinese’s bad behavior such as in the East China Sea.

ME: Can we come back to the Russian connection. I am very curious about…

COUCH: Sorry I digressed. Did you get the flow of my analysis on the connection between the American ultra-right and the Russians?

ME: Let me try. The right has been worried that the American society has veered in the direction unfavorable to them meaning the white people. They have felt that they would be in the minority very soon and the Europeans don’t seem to share their deep concerns. So, they looked to Russia for allies as that country and the neighboring states west of its borders are still under absolute dominance of the white race and have pursued social policies they advocate: white supremacy, anti-immigration, anti-Muslims, anti-gay.

COUCH: You got it. That’s theory. To build the connection requires more skills and, in this case, a stroke of luck.

ME: They hatched such a phenomenal and complex scheme and allowed its success to depend on luck?

COUCH: Believe me, good luck and bad luck have happened very frequently in history. I don’t think their plan was designed to factor in luck, but luck probably by accident did play a very significant role in the success of the ultra-right to take control of all three branches of government.

ME: Are you saying Donald J. Trump is an accidental president?

COUCH: Yes and no. The complexity involved in their game plan does not permit a clear-cut answer. Remember I said that the scheme was probably hatched in a golf club. The businessman/real estate developer Donald Trump probably got wind of the Republican powers-that-be’s plan to bypass the sanctions against the Russians and to work with them. Can you imagine what would be going on in that astute mind of an extremely successful developer? You don’t need to go to Mars to look for space. To him, Russia was a paradise on earth with its vast virgin territory that could afford as many luxury golf courses and hotels as you could build them.

ME: So, he got into business with the Russians? Secretly signing contracts? Actually and secretly did business with them? In violations of the sanctions?

COUCH: Well, I don’t have any evidence to back that up. But how do you explain his behavior in doggedly opposing the Muller’s investigation to the point of being irrational? He fought the investigation as if his life were at stake. Republican Congressman Trey Gowdy, the faithful cadre of the ultra-right summed it up: if you are innocent, act like you are innocent. The president as obvious to everyone has not acted like he is innocent.

ME: I know it’s just your guess, Couch, but it is extremely serious and damaging.

COUCH: It’s not a guess. It’s an observation. Let me continue with my chain of thought…

ME: Or surmise, may I say?

(To be continued)

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