The MAGA Republicans have gradually and deliberately brought down all institutions, ethical, social, and political, including a bastion of Democracy and Freedom, the U.S. Supreme Court (why else a member of the symbol of, and real power to uphold and protect the Constitution, flew the national flag upside down to SUPPORT the disproved claim that Donald Trump won the 2020 election and Joe Biden lost? The Court and its members exist to serve the laws, even when at home, not beliefs or sentiments), and returned American society to a political primordial soup.

After so many years including four years in the White House, the former president has been found to possess a deeply flawed character unfit to even run the Trump Organization let alone the most powerful and complicated country on earth. But the MAGA still sticks with him.

The former president is perfect for a scheme to muddle the political landscape and create chaos. He has proved to be able to throw out words such as shithole countries, Mexican rapists and murderers, easily and naturally. Now he could, or probably was told to, drop big bombs such as Unified Reich.

Senator Ted Cruz dropped another bomb not long ago: secession. They are trial balloons, different kinds of balloons serving the same purpose: bringing down American Democracy and replacing it with a dictatorship.

They also serve another purpose: to condition and familiarize the American people with the idea of dictatorship, only a few years back an anathema to American politics, and Americans.

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